Request for Media Consultants for NES 30

Posted Tue, May 7, 2024 9:03 AM

Request for Media Consultants for NES 30

Download The Request for Media Consultants for NES 30 Document


The annual Nigerian Economic Summit is the flagship event of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group and the Federal government of Nigeria. Since the first convening in 1993, the Nigerian Economic Summit has become an annual dialogue for top policymakers and leaders in the private sector and civil society. It is indeed the flagship event of the Group and the Federal Government and the most enduring Public-Private Dialogue process, which has been sustained over the past twenty-nine years. The Summit has provided a credible and widely recognised platform for forging understanding and consensus on our national economic policy direction and economic growth strategies. Over these years, stakeholders within and outside Nigeria have acknowledged the Summit as the premier platform for policy dialogue in Nigeria. Many of the reform policies underpinning the evolution of our economic growth strategy over the past three decades were strongly influenced by debates and deliberations during these Summits.


The NESG was incorporated in 1996 as a not-for-profit, non-partisan, private sector think-tank that promotes and champions the reform of the Nigerian economy into an open, private sectorled economy that is globally competitive. NESG promotes sustainable growth and development in the Nigerian economy using research-based advocacy methods. The establishment of the NESG followed three years of successive convening of the Nigerian Economic Summit (NES) by a group of private sector leaders, culminating in its incorporation in 1996 based on the success of the first ever Nigerian Economic Summit (NES#1) held from February 18 - 20, 1993. NES#1 brought the realisation that it is possible and important for the private sector to continually cooperate Official Rapporteur of the 30 th Nigerian Economic Summit 2 and dialogue with the public sector. Subsequently, a core group of participants from NES#1 developed a more formalised private sector structure, which formed the basis of NESG as it exists to date. It is a membership-based organisation and draws its membership from all sectors of the economy. Over the years, NESG has emerged as the most prestigious platform for publicprivate dialogue in Nigeria. The NESG and the Federal Government of Nigeria have since maintained a standing partnership which has produced a history of productive, robust and impactful public-private dialogues that have shaped the economy of the country.


The role of the media consultant for NES#30 is to produce summary video reports of each session of the summit. The videos are expected to capture the. The deliverables shall be in two formats, viz: a. Short format: A summary of key moments of each session, detailing the issues, key moments, and recommendations of each session. Each video summary output shall be for no more than 2 minutes duration; and shall be submitted within two hours after each session (including transcripts). b. Long format: A detailed summary of each session, detailing deliberations and recommendations of each session (including transcripts). Ahead of NES#30, the Media consultant shall liaise with the Editorial, Media & Communication and Technical Subcommittees of NES#30, to agree the layout, assets (sound track and images), duration, etc.; of the deliverables.

Download the document below for more information 

Download The Request for Media Consultants for NES 30 Document

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